
ᚾᚩᛏ: ᚦᛁᛋ᛫ᚫᛚᚠᛟᛒᛖᛏ᛫ᚷᛁᚷᛚᛞᛋ᛫ᚦᛁᚷ᛫ᛟᚱᛁᛡᚳᛁᚾᛚ᛫ᚪᚢᚦᚱᛋ᛫ᛣᚱᛁᛏᛁᛋᛁᚴᛗᛋ᛫ᚾᚩᛚᚪᚢᛝᚸᚱ᛫ᛟᛈᛚᛟᛣᛟᛒᛚ. ᚫᚷ᛫ᚫᛗ᛫ᚱᚫᚷᛏᛁᛝ᛫ᚦᛁᛋ᛫ᛁᚾ᛫ᚫᚾ᛫ᛟᛗᛖᚱᛟᛣᚾ᛫ᚫᛣᛋᛖᚾᛏ᛫ᚻᚹᛁᚳ᛫ᛣᚪᚢᛋᛟᛋ᛫ᛋᛟᛗ᛫ᛈᚪᚱᛏᛋ᛫ᛏᚢ᛫ᚾᚪᛏ᛫ᚱᚫᚷᛗ.

   ᛋᚫᚢᚾᛞᛋ᛫ᛚᚫᚷᛣ᛫ᛣᚩᚱᛈᛋ, ᛣᚩᚱ, ᚻᚩᚱᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚹᛟᚱᛋ.
Dearest creature in creation
Studying English pronunciation,
   I will teach you in my verse
   Sounds like corpse, corps, horse and worse.
ᚫᚷ᛫ᚹᛁᛚ᛫ᛣᛁᚷᛈ᛫ᚷᚢ, ᛋᚢᚴᛁᚷ, ᛒᛁᚴᛁᚷ,
   ᛏᛁᚷᚱ᛫ᛁᚾ᛫ᚫᚷ, ᚷᚩᚱ᛫ᛞᚱᛖᛋ᛫ᚷᚢᛚ᛫ᛏᛖᚱ;
   ᛣᚹᛁᚷᚱ, ᚠᛖᚱ ᛋᛁᚱ, ᚻᛁᚷᚱ᛫ᛗᚫᚷ᛫ᛈᚱᛖᚱ.
I will keep you, Susy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy;
   Tear in eye, your dress you'll tear;
   Queer, fair seer, hear my prayer.
ᛈᚱᛖᚷ, ᛣᛟᚾᛋᚩᛚ᛫ᚷᚩᚱ᛫ᛚᛟᚠᛁᛝ᛫ᛈᚩᛟᛏ,
ᛗᛠᛣ᛫ᛗᚫᚷ᛫ᛣᚩᛏ᛫ᛚᚣᛣ᛫ᚾᚢ, ᛞᛁᚷᚱ, ᛋᚩ᛫ᛁᛏ!
   ᚷᚳᛟᛋᛏ᛫ᛣᛟᛗᛈᛖᚱ᛫ᚻᚪᚱᛏ, ᚻᛁᚷᚱ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚻᛟᚱᛞ,
   ᛞᚫᚷᚴ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛞᚫᚷᛟᛏ, ᛚᚩᚱᛞ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚹᛟᚱᛞ.
Pray, console your loving poet,
Make my coat look new, dear, sew it!
   Just compare heart, hear and heard,
   Dies and diet, lord and word.
ᛋᚩᚱᛞ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᚹᚪᚱᛞ, ᚱᛟᛏᚫᚷᚾ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛒᚱᛁᛏᚾ
   ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᛋᛖᛞ, ᛈᛖᚷ᛫ᛈᛖᚷᛞ, ᛚᛠᛞ᛫ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛈᛚᚫᛞ.
Sword and sward, retain and Britain
(Mind the latter how it's written).
   Made has not the sound of bade,
   Say-said, pay-paid, laid but plaid.
   ᛋᛖᚷ: ᚸᛟᛋᚳ, ᛒᚣᛋᚳ, ᛋᛏᛠᛣ, ᛋᛏᚱᛁᚷᛣ, ᛒᚱᛠᛣ, ᛒᛚᛁᚷᛣ.
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as vague and ague,
   But be careful how you speak,
   Say: gush, bush, steak, streak, break, bleak ,
ᛈᚱᛁᚷᚠᛁᚷᛟᛋ, ᛈᚱᛖᛋᚳᛟᛋ, ᚠᚷᚢᛋᚳᛟ, ᚡᛁᚷᛟ
ᚱᛖᛋᛁᛈᛁᚷ, ᛈᚫᚷᛈ, ᛋᛏᛟᛞᛁᛝ᛫ᛋᛠᛚ, ᛣᚹᚫᚷᚱ;
   ᚹᚩᚠᚾ, ᛟᚠᚾ, ᚻᚫᚢ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛚᚩ,
   ᛋᛣᚱᛁᛈᛏ, ᚱᛟᛋᛁᚷᛏ, ᛋᚳᚢ, ᛈᚩᛟᛗ, ᛏᚩ.
Previous, precious, fuchsia, via
Recipe, pipe, studding-sail, choir;
   Woven, oven, how and low,
   Script, receipt, shoe, poem, toe.
ᛋᛖᚷ, ᛖᛣᛋᛈᛖᛣᛏᛁᛝ᛫ᚠᚱᚪᚢᛞ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛏᚱᛁᛣᛟᚱᛁᚷ:
ᛞᚪᚢᛏᚱ, ᛚᚫᚠᛏᚱ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛏᛟᚱᛈᛋᛁᛣᛟᚫᛁᚷ,
   ᛒᚱᚫᚾᚳ, ᚱᚫᚾᚳ, ᛗᛁᚷᚴᛚᛋ, ᛏᚪᚢᛈᛋᛠᛚᛋ, ᚫᚷᛚᛋ,
   ᛗᛁᛋᛚᛋ, ᛋᛗᚫᚷᛚᛋ, ᚱᛁᚷᚡᚫᚷᛚᛋ.
Say, expecting fraud and trickery:
Daughter, laughter and Terpsichore,
   Branch, ranch, measles, topsails, aisles,
   Missiles, similes, reviles.
ᚻᚩᛚᛁᚷ, ᚻᚩᛚᛁᚷ, ᛋᛁᚸᚾᛚ, ᛋᚫᚷᚾᛁᛝ,
ᛋᛠᛗ, ᛖᛣᛋᚫᛗᛁᚾᛁᛝ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛗᚫᚷᚾᛁᛝ,
   ᛋᛣᚪᛚᚱ, ᚡᛁᛣᛟᚱ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᛁᚸᚪᚱ,
   ᛋᚩᛚᚱ, ᛗᚫᚷᛣᛟ, ᚹᚩᚱ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚠᚪᚱ.
Wholly, holly, signal, signing,
Same, examining, but mining,
   Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
   Solar, mica, war and far.
ᚠᚱᛟᛗ "ᛞᛟᛋᚫᚷᚱ": ᛞᛟᛋᚫᚷᛟᚱᛟᛒᛚ᛫ᚫᛞᛗᛟᚱᛟᛒᛚ ᚠᚱᛟᛗ "ᚫᛞᛗᚫᚷᚱ",
ᛚᛟᛗᛒᚱ, ᛈᛚᛟᛗᚱ, ᛒᛁᚷᚱ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛒᚱᚫᚷᚱ,
   ᛏᚪᛈᛋᛗ, ᛒᚱᚢᚸᛞ, ᚱᛁᚾᚫᚢᚾ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚾᚩᚾ,
   ᚾᚪᛚᛁᛡᚳ, ᛞᛟᚾ, ᛚᚩᚾ, ᚸᚪᚾ, ᚾᛟᚾ, ᛏᚩᚾ,
From "desire": desirable-admirable from "admire",
Lumber, plumber, bier, but brier,
   Topsham, brougham, renown, but known,
   Knowledge, done, lone, gone, none, tone,
ᚹᛟᚾ, ᛟᚾᛖᛗᛟᚾᛁᚷ, ᛒᚫᛚᛗᚩᚱᛚ,
ᛣᛁᚳᚾ, ᛚᚫᚷᛣᚾ, ᛚᚪᚢᚾᛞᚱᛁᚷ, ᛚᚩᚱᛚ.
   ᚸᛟᚱᛏᚱᚢᛞ, ᚷᚳᛟᚱᛗᚾ, ᚹᛁᚾᛞ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚹᚫᚷᚾᛞ,
   ᛒᚩ, ᛣᚫᚷᚾᛞ, ᛣᛁᚾᛞᚱᛁᛞ, ᛣᚷᚢ, ᛗᚫᚾᛣᚫᚷᚾᛞ,
One, anemone, Balmoral,
Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel.
   Gertrude, German, wind and wind,
   Beau, kind, kindred, queue, mankind,
ᛏᚩᚱᛏᛁᛋ, ᛏᛟᚱᛣᚩᚷᛋ, ᛋᚳᚫᛗᚩᚷ᛫ᛚᛖᚦᚱ,
ᚱᛁᚷᛞᛁᛝ, ᚱᛖᛞᛁᛝ, ᚻᛁᚷᚦᚾ, ᚻᛖᚦᚱ.
   ᚸᛁᚡᛋ᛫ᛗᚪᚢᛋ, ᚸᚱᚩᛋ, ᛒᚱᚣᛣ, ᛒᚱᚢᚳ, ᚾᚫᚷᚾᚦ, ᛈᛚᛁᚾᚦ.
Tortoise, turquoise, chamois-leather,
Reading, Reading, heathen, heather.
   This phonetic labyrinth
   Gives moss, gross, brook, brooch, ninth, plinth.
   ᛞᛁᚷᛗᚾ, ᛚᛖᛗᚾ, ᚸᚢᛚ, ᚠᚫᚢᛚ, ᛋᚩᛚ,
   ᛈᛁᚷᛏᚱ, ᛈᛖᛏᚱᚩᛚ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛈᛟᛏᚱᚩᛚ?
Have you ever yet endeavoured
To pronounce revered and severed,
   Demon, lemon, ghoul, foul, soul,
   Peter, petrol and patrol?
ᛒᚢᛣᛖᚷ, ᚹᚫᚢᛚᛟᛏ, ᛗᚫᛚᛁᛏ, ᛋᚳᚫᛚᛖᚷ.
Billet does not end like ballet;
Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
   Blood and flood are not like food,
   Nor is mould like should and would.
   ᛞᛁᛋᛣᚫᚢᚾᛏ᛫ᚡᛁᛋᛣᚫᚢᚾᛏ, ᛚᚩᛞ, ᛒᚱᚪᚢᛞ,
   ᛏᚩᚱᛞ, ᛏᚢ᛫ᚠᚩᚱᚹᛟᚱᛞ, ᛏᚢ᛫ᚱᛁᚹᚩᚱᛞ,
Banquet is not nearly parquet,
Which exactly rhymes with khaki.
   Discount, viscount, load and broad,
   Toward, to forward, to reward,
ᚱᛁᛣᛟᛋᚳᛖᚷᛞ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛣᚱᚩᛋᚳᛖᚷᛁᛝ, ᛣᚱᚩᛣᛖᚷ?
ᚱᚫᚷᛏ! ᚷᚩᚱ᛫ᛈᚱᛟᚾᚫᚢᚾᛋᛁᚫᚷᛋᚳᚾᛋ᛫ᚩᛣᛖᚷ.
   ᚱᚫᚢᚾᛞᛁᛞ, ᚹᚢᚾᛞᛁᛞ, ᚸᚱᛁᚷᚡ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᛁᚡ,
   ᚠᚱᛖᚾᛞ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚠᛁᚷᚾᛞ, ᛟᛚᚫᚷᚡ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛚᛁᚡ.
Ricocheted and crocheting, croquet?
Right! Your pronunciation's OK.
   Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
   Friend and fiend, alive and live.
   ᚻᚷᚢ, ᛒᛟᛏ ᛫ᚻᛟᚸ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚻᚣᛞ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚻᚢᛏ,
   ᛒᚩᚷᚾᛏ, ᛗᛁᚾᛁᛏ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛗᚫᚷᚾᚢᛏ.
Is your r correct in higher?
Keats asserts it rhymes Thalia.
   Hugh, but hug, and hood, but hoot,
   Buoyant, minute, but minute.
ᚾᚫᚢ: ᛈᛟᚴᛁᛋᚳᚾ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛏᚱᚫᚾᚴᛁᛋᚳᚾ;
Say abscission with precision,
Now: position and transition;
   Would it tally with my rhyme
   If I mentioned paradigm?
ᛏᛟᛈᚾᛋ, ᚦᚱᛁᛈᚾᛋ, ᛏᛁᚷᚴ᛫ᚪᚱ᛫ᛁᚷᚴᛁᚷ,
ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛋᛁᚷᛋ, ᛣᚱᛁᚷᛋ, ᚸᚱᛁᚷᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚸᚱᛁᚷᛋᛁᚷ?
   ᚸᚩᚱᚾᛁᛋ, ᚾᚫᚷᛋ, ᚡᛟᛚᛁᚷᚴ, ᚱᛁᚡᚫᚷᚴ,
   ᚱᚫᚷᛒᛁᚷᚴ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛚᛟᛚᛟᛒᚫᚷᚴ.
Twopence, threepence, tease are easy,
But cease, crease, grease and greasy?
   Cornice, nice, valise, revise,
   Rabies, but lullabies.
ᚱᚫᚷᛗᛁᛝ᛫ᚹᛖᛚ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᛣᚪᚢᛋᚳᛟᛋ, ᛏᚩᚱᛋᚳᛟᛋ,
   ᚷᚢᛚ᛫ᛖᚾᚡᛖᛚᛟᛈ᛫ᛚᛁᛋᛏᛋ, ᚫᚷ᛫ᚻᚩᛈ,
Of such puzzling words as nauseous,
Rhyming well with cautious, tortious,
   You'll envelop lists, I hope,
   In a linen envelope.
ᚹᚣᛞ᛫ᚷᚢ᛫ᛚᚫᚷᛣ᛫ᛋᛟᛗ᛫ᛗᚩᚱ? ᚷᚢᛚ᛫ᚻᚫᚡ᛫ᛁᛏ!
ᚫᚠᛁᛞᛠᚡᛁᛏ, ᛞᛠᚡᛁᛞ, ᛞᛠᚡᛁᛏ.
   ᛏᛟ᛫ᚫᛒᚷᚳᚷᛟᚱ, ᛏᛟ᛫ᛈᚱᛟᚷᚳᛟᚱ. ᛋᚳᛁᚷᛣ
Would you like some more? You'll have it!
Affidavit, David, davit.
   To abjure, to perjure. Sheik
   Does not sound like Czech but ache.
ᛚᛁᛒᛟᚱᛏᛁᚷ, ᛚᚫᚷᛒᚱᛖᚱᛁᚷ, ᚻᛁᚷᚡ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚻᛖᚡᚾ,
ᚱᛠᚳᛚ, ᛚᚪᛣ, ᛗᛟᛋᛏᚫᛋᚳ, ᛟᛚᛖᚡᚾ.
   ᚹᛁᚷ᛫ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᚻᚫᛚᚩᛞ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛟᛚᚫᚢᛞ,
   ᛈᛁᚷᛈᛚ, ᛚᛖᛈᚱᛞ, ᛏᚩᛞ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚡᚫᚢᛞ.
Liberty, library, heave and heaven,
Rachel, loch, moustache, eleven.
   We say hallowed, but allowed,
   People, leopard, towed but vowed.
ᛗᚪᚱᛣ᛫ᚦᛟ᛫ᛞᛁᚠᚱᛁᚾᛋ, ᛗᚩᚱᚩᚠᚱ,
ᛒᛁᛏᚹᛁᚷᚾ, ᛗᚢᚠᚱ, ᛈᛚᛟᚡᚱ, ᛞᚩᚡᚱ.
   ᛚᛁᚷᚳᛟᛋ, ᛒᚱᛁᚳᛟᛋ, ᚹᚫᚷᚴ, ᛈᚱᛟᛋᚫᚷᛋ,
   ᚳᚫᛚᛁᛋ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛈᛟᛚᛁᚷᛋ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛚᚫᚷᛋ,
Mark the difference, moreover,
Between mover, plover, Dover.
   Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,
   Chalice, but police and lice,
ᛣᚫᛗᛚ, ᛣᚪᚾᛋᛏᛟᛒᛚ, ᛟᚾᛋᛏᚫᚷᛒᛚ,
ᛈᚱᛁᚾᛋᛁᛈᛚ, ᛞᛁᛋᚫᚷᛈᛚ, ᛚᛠᛒᛚ.
   ᛈᛖᛏᛚ, ᛈᛁᚷᚾᛚ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛣᛟᚾᚫᛚ,
   ᚹᛠᛏ, ᛋᛟᚱᛗᚫᚷᚴ, ᛈᛚᛠᛏ, ᛈᚱᚪᛗᛁᛋ, ᛈᚫᛚ,
Camel, constable, unstable,
Principle, disciple, label.
   Petal, penal, and canal,
   Wait, surmise, plait, promise, pal,
ᛋᚢᛏ, ᛋᚹᛁᚷᛏ, ᚱᚢᛁᚾ. ᛋᛟᚱᛣᛁᛏ, ᛣᚪᚾᛞᚢᛁᛏ
   ᚻᚹᚫᚷ᛫ᛁᛏᛋ᛫ᛈᚪᚢᛚ, ᛗᚪᚢᛚ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛈᛖᛚ᛫ᛗᛖᛚ.
Suit, suite, ruin. Circuit, conduit
Rhyme with "shirk it" and "beyond it",
   But it is not hard to tell
   Why it's pall, mall, but Pall Mall.
ᛗᛟᛋᛚ, ᛗᛟᛋᛣᚷᚢᛚᚱ, ᚷᚳᛠᛚ, ᚫᚷᚱᛟᚾ,
ᛏᛁᛗᛒᚱ, ᛣᛚᚫᚷᛗᚱ, ᛒᚣᛚᚷᚾ, ᛚᚫᚷᛟᚾ,
   ᚹᛟᚱᛗ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᛏᚩᚱᛗ, ᚳᚫᚷᛋ, ᛣᛠᚪᛋ, ᚳᛖᚱ,
   ᛋᛖᚾᛟᛏᚱ, ᛋᛈᛖᛣᛏᛠᛏᚱ, ᛗᛠᚱ,
Muscle, muscular, gaol, iron,
Timber, climber, bullion, lion,
   Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,
   Senator, spectator, mayor,
ᚫᚷᚡᛁᚷ, ᛈᚱᛁᚡᛁᚷ, ᚠᛠᛗᛟᛋ; ᛣᛚᚫᛗᚱ
   ᛈᚣᛋᛁᚷ, ᚻᛟᛋᛁᚷ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛈᛟᚴᛖᛋ,
   ᛞᛖᚴᚱᛏ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛞᛁᚴᛟᚱᛏ, ᛟᛞᚱᛖᛋ.
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour
Has the a of drachm and hammer.
   Pussy, hussy and possess,
   Desert, but desert, address.
ᚸᚪᛚᚠ, ᚹᛟᛚᚠ, ᛣᚫᚢᚾᛏᛁᚾᛟᚾᛋ, ᛚᚢᛏᛖᚾᛟᚾᛏᛋ
   ᛣᚣᚱᛁᚷᛟᚱ, ᛣᚩᚱᛏᛁᚷᛟᚱ, ᛏᚢᛗ, ᛒᚪᛗ, ᛣᚩᛗ,
   ᛣᚫᚢ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛣᚢᛈᚱ, ᛋᛟᛗ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚻᚩᛗ.
Golf, wolf, countenance, lieutenants
Hoist in lieu of flags left pennants.
   Courier, courtier, tomb, bomb, comb,
   Cow, but Cowper, some and home.
"ᛋᚪᛞᚱ, ᛋᚩᛚᚷᚳᚱ! ᛒᛚᛟᛞ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᚦᛁᛣᚱ",
ᛣᚹᚩᚦ᛫ᚻᛁᚷ, "ᚦᚫᚾ᛫ᛚᛁᛣᚱ᛫ᚩᚱ᛫ᛚᛁᛣᚱ",
   ᛗᛠᛣᛁᛝ, ᛁᛏ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᛋᚫᛞ᛫ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛏᚱᚢ,
   ᛁᚾ᛫ᛒᚱᛟᚡᚪᛞᚩ, ᛗᛟᚳ᛫ᛟᛞᚢ.
"Solder, soldier! Blood is thicker",
Quoth he, "than liqueur or liquor",
   Making, it is sad but true,
   In bravado, much ado.
   ᛈᚫᚷᛚᛁᛏ, ᛈᛁᚡᛟᛏ, ᚸᚪᚢᚾᛏ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚫᚾᛏ,
   ᚠᚪᚾᛏ, ᚠᚱᛟᚾᛏ, ᚹᚩᚾᛏ, ᚹᚪᚾᛏ, ᚸᚱᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚸᚱᚫᚾᛏ.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger,
Neither does devour with clangour.
   Pilot, pivot, gaunt, but aunt,
   Font, front, wont, want, grand and grant.
ᚪᚱᛋᛁᚾᛁᛣ, ᛋᛈᛟᛋᛁᚠᛁᛣ, ᛋᛁᚷᚾᛁᛣ,
ᚱᛖᛚᛁᛣ, ᚱᛖᛏᛟᚱᛁᛣ, ᚻᚫᚷᛡᚳᛖᚾᛁᛣ.
   ᚸᚢᛋᛒᛖᚱᛁᚷ, ᚸᚢᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛣᛚᚩᚴ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛣᛚᚩᛋ,
   ᛈᛖᚱᛟᛞᚫᚷᛋ, ᚱᚫᚷᚴ, ᚱᚩᚴ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛞᚩᛋ.
Arsenic, specific, scenic,
Relic, rhetoric, hygienic.
   Gooseberry, goose, and close, but close,
   Paradise, rise, rose, and dose.
ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᛁᚾᚡᛖᚷ᛫ᚾᛖᚷ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛁᚾᚡᛁᚷᚸᛚ.
   ᛗᚫᚷᚾᛞ! ᛗᛁᚷᚫᚾᛞᛟᚱᛁᛝ᛫ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛗᛁᚷᚾ,
Say inveigh, neigh, but inveigle,
Make the latter rhyme with eagle.
   Mind! Meandering but mean,
   Valentine and magazine.
ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚫᚷ᛫ᛒᛖᛏ᛫ᚷᚢ, ᛞᛁᚷᚱ, ᛟ᛫ᛈᛖᚾᛁᚷ,
   ᚻᚹᛁᚳ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᚱᚪᚢᛝ. ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᚱᛖᚷᛈᛁᚷᛟᚱ, ᛈᛁᚷᚱ,
   ᛏᚫᚷᛟᚱ᛫(ᚹᛟᚾ᛫ᚻᚢ᛫ᛏᚫᚷᚴ), ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛏᛁᚷᚱ.
And I bet you, dear, a penny,
You say mani-(fold) like many,
   Which is wrong. Say rapier, pier,
   Tier (one who ties), but tier.
ᚪᚱᚳ, ᚪᚱᛣᛖᚷᚾᚷᚳᛚ; ᛈᚱᛖᚷ, ᛞᛟᛋ, ᛖᚱᛁᛝ
ᚱᚫᚷᛗ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᚻᛖᚱᛁᛝ, ᚩᚱ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᛋᛏᛟᚱᛁᛝ?
   ᛈᚱᛁᚴᚾ, ᛒᚫᚷᛋᚾ, ᛏᚱᛖᚴᚳᚱ᛫ᛏᚱᚩᚡ,
   ᛏᚱᛁᚷᚴᚾ, ᚻᛟᚡᚱ, ᛣᛟᚡᚱ, ᛣᚩᚡ.
Arch, archangel; pray, does erring
Rhyme with herring or with stirring?
   Prison, bison, treasure trove,
   Treason, hover, cover, cove,
ᛈᛟᚱᛋᛟᚡᛁᚷᚱᚾᛋ, ᛋᛖᚡᛟᚱᚾᛋ. ᚱᛁᛒᛚᛞ
   ᚠᛠᛁᛏᚾ, ᛈᛁᚷᛟᚾ, ᚾᚫᛏ, ᚾᚫᛏ, ᚾᚪᚢ,
   ᛚᛁᚷᛟᚾ᛫ᛋᚫᚷᛣᛁᛣ, ᛋᚳᚩᚾ, ᛒᚩᚾ, ᛈᛋᚳᚪᚢ.
Perseverance, severance. Ribald
Rhymes (but piebald doesn't) with nibbled.
   Phaeton, paean, gnat, ghat, gnaw,
   Lien, psychic, shone, bone, pshaw.
ᛞᚩᚾᛏ᛫ᛒᛁᚷ᛫ᛞᚫᚢᚾ, ᛗᚫᚷ᛫ᚩᚾ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚱᛟᚠ᛫ᛁᛏ,
ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛞᛁᛋᛏᛁᛝᚸᚹᛁᛋᚳ᛫ᛒᛟᚠᛖᚷ, ᛒᛟᚠᛁᛏ;
   ᛒᚱᚢᛞ, ᛋᛏᚣᛞ, ᚱᚢᚠ, ᚱᚣᛣ, ᛋᛣᚢᛚ, ᚹᚣᛚ, ᛒᚢᚾ,
   ᚹᚣᛋᛏᚱ, ᛒᚣᛚᛁᚾ, ᛏᛟ᛫ᛁᛗᛈᚷᚢᚾ.
Don't be down, my own, but rough it,
And distinguish buffet, buffet;
   Brood, stood, roof, rook, school, wool, boon,
   Worcester, Boleyn, to impugn.
ᚻᛟᚱᛋ, ᚻᛁᚷᚱ, ᚻᚪᚱᛣᚾ, ᚷᛁᚷᚱ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚷᛟᚱᛚᛁᛝ.
   ᛁᚷᚡᛚ, ᛞᛖᚡᛚ, ᛗᛖᚴᛟᛏᛁᚾᛏ,
   ᛗᚫᚷᚾᛞ᛫ᚦᛟ᛫ᚴᛁᚷ! (ᛟ᛫ᚷᚳᛖᚾᛏᛚ᛫ᚻᛁᚾᛏ.)
Say in sounds correct and sterling
Hearse, hear, hearken, year, and yearling.
   Evil, devil, mezzotint,
   Mind the z! (A gentle hint.)
   ᛋᚫᚢᚾᛞᛋ᛫ᛚᚫᚷᛣ᛫ᛈᚩᚱᛋ, ᛈᚪᚢᛋ, ᛈᚩᚱᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛈᚪᚢᛋ,
Now you need not pay attention
To such sounds as I don't mention,
   Sounds like pores, pause, pours and paws,
   Rhyming with the pronoun yours;
ᚦᚩ᛫ᚫᚷ᛫ᚪᚢᚠᛏᚾ᛫ᚻᛁᚷᚱᛞ, ᚫᚴ᛫ᚷᚢ᛫ᛞᛁᛞ,
   ᚷᛖᛋ, ᚷᚢ᛫ᚾᚩ᛫ᚦᛖᛗ, ᚡᚪᚢᚾ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᛏᚱᚫᚻᛟᚾ.
Nor are proper names included,
Though I often heard, as you did,
   Funny rhymes to unicorn,
   Yes, you know them, Vaughan and Strachan.
ᚾᚫᚢ, ᛗᚫᚷ᛫ᛗᛠᛞᚾ, ᛣᚩᚷ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛣᛟᛗᛚᛁᚷ,
   ᚾᚩ. ᚷᛖᛏ᛫ᚠᚱᚢᛞ᛫ᛣᛟᛗᛈᛖᚱᛞ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᛈᚱᚫᚢᛞ
No, my maiden, coy and comely,
I don't want to speak of Cholmondeley.
   No. Yet Froude compared with proud
   Is no better than McLeod.
ᛏᚱᚫᚷᛈᚪᛞ, ᛗᛁᚷᚾᛁᚷᛟᛚ, ᛞᛟᚾᚫᚷᛚ,
   ᛏᚱᚩᛚ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛏᚱᚪᛚᛁᚷ, ᚱᛖᛚᛗ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚱᛁᚷᛗ,
   ᛋᛣᛖᛡᚳᛚ, ᛗᛁᛋᚳᛁᚠ, ᛋᛣᛁᛋᛗ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᛣᛁᚷᛗ.
But mind trivial and vial,
Tripod, menial, denial,
   Troll and trolley, realm and ream,
   Schedule, mischief, schism, and scheme.
ᚪᚱᚷᚳᛚ, ᚷᚳᛁᛚ᛫ᚪᚱᚸᚫᚷᛚ᛫ᚸᛁᛚ. ᛋᚳᛟᚱᛚᛁᚷ
Argil, gill, Argyll, gill. Surely
May be made to rhyme with Raleigh,
   But you're not supposed to say
   Piquet rhymes with sobriquet.
ᚹᛟᚱᚦᛚᛁᛋ᛫ᛞᚪᛣᚷᚢᛗᛖᚾᛏᛋ? ᚻᚫᚢ᛫ᛈᚫᛚᛁᛞ,
   ᚻᚫᚢ᛫ᛟᚾᛣᚢᚦ᛫ᚻᛁᚷ, ᛣᚫᚢᚳᚾᛏ, ᛚᚣᛣᛏ,
Had this invalid invalid
Worthless documents? How pallid,
   How uncouth he, couchant, looked,
   When for Portsmouth I had booked!
ᚴᚢᛋ, ᚦᛁᚷᛒᚴ, ᚦᛠᛚᛁᚷᚴ, ᚫᚠᚱᛟᛞᚫᚷᛏ,
ᛈᚫᚱᛟᛗᚩᚱ, ᛟᚾᚫᛗᚱᛞ, ᚠᛚᚫᚷᛏᛁᚷ,
   ᛖᛈᛁᛋᚩᛞᛋ, ᚫᚾᛏᛟᛈᚩᛞᛋ,
   ᚫᛣᚹᛁᚷᛖᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚪᛒᛋᛖᛣᚹᛁᚷᛋ.
Zeus, Thebes, Thales, Aphrodite,
Paramour, enamoured, flighty,
   Episodes, antipodes,
   Acquiesce, and obsequies.
   ᚾᛖᚷᚳᚱ, ᛋᛏᚫᚳᚱ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛗᛟᚳᚣᚱ.
Please don't monkey with the geyser,
Don't peel 'taters with my razor,
   Rather say in accents pure:
   Nature, stature and mature.
ᛈᚫᚷᛟᛋ, ᛁᛗᛈᚫᚷᛟᛋ, ᛚᛁᛗ, ᛣᛚᚫᚷᛗ, ᚸᛚᛟᛗᛚᛁᚷ,
ᚹᚣᛋᚾᛁᛞ, ᚹᚩᚱᛋᛏᛟᛞ, ᛣᚱᛟᛗᛒᛚᛁᚷ, ᛞᛟᛗᛚᛁᚷ,
   ᛣᚪᛝᛣᚱ, ᛣᚪᛝᛣᚹᛖᛋᛏ, ᚡᛖᚷᚴ, ᚠᛖᚷᚴ, ᚠᚫᚾ,
  ᚹᚪᚾ, ᛋᛟᛞᚫᚾ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚪᚱᛏᛟᚴᚾ.
Pious, impious, limb, climb, glumly,
Worsted, worsted, crumbly, dumbly,
   Conquer, conquest, vase, phase, fan,
   Wan, sedan and artisan.
ᛗᚩᚱ᛫ᚦᚫᚾ᛫ᚪᚱ, ᛋᛁᚷ᛫ᛖᚷᚳ, ᚩᚱ᛫ᛞᛟᛒᛚ᛫ᚷᚢ.
   ᛏᚪᛗᛟᛋ, ᛏᚫᚷᛗ, ᛏᛟᚱᛁᚷᛋᛟ, ᛏᛠᛗᛋ.
The th will surely trouble you
More than r, ch or w.
   Say then these phonetic gems:
   Thomas, thyme, Theresa, Thames.
ᛏᚪᛗᛈᛋᚾ, ᚳᚫᛏᛗ, ᚹᚪᛚᛏᛗ, ᛋᛏᚱᛖᚦᛗ,
   ᚹᛖᚷᛏ! ᚫᚷᚡ᛫ᚸᚪᛏ᛫ᛁᛏ: ᚫᚾᚦᛟᚾᛁᚷ,
Thompson, Chatham, Waltham, Streatham,
There are more but I forget 'em-
   Wait! I've got it: Anthony,
   Lighten your anxiety.
   ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚠᚩᚱᚦᚹᛁᚦ, ᚹᛟᚾ᛫ᚻᚫᚴ᛫ᚠᚩᚷᛋ,
   ᚹᛟᚾ᛫ᚻᚫᚴ᛫ᚾᚪᛏ, ᚷᚢ᛫ᛗᛠᛣ᛫ᚷᚩᚱ᛫ᚳᚩᚷᛋ.
The archaic word albeit
Does not rhyme with eight-you see it;
   With and forthwith, one has voice,
   One has not, you make your choice.
ᛋᚳᚢᚴ, ᚸᚩᚴ, ᛞᛟᚴ. ᚾᚫᚢ᛫ᚠᛟᚱᛋᛏ᛫ᛋᛖᚷ: ᚠᛁᛝᚸᚱ;
ᚦᛖᚾ᛫ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᛋᛁᛝᚱ, ᚷᚳᛁᚾᚷᚳᚱ, ᛚᛁᛝᚸᚱ.
   ᚱᛁᚷᛚ, ᚴᛁᚷᛚ, ᛗᚪᚢᚡ, ᚸᚪᚢᚴ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚸᛠᚷᚳ,
   ᛗᛠᚱᛁᛡᚳ, ᚠᚩᛚᛁᚷᛟᛡᚳ, ᛗᛁᚱᚫᚴᚳ, ᛖᚷᛡᚳ.
Shoes, goes, does. Now first say: finger;
Then say: singer, ginger, linger.
   Real, zeal, mauve, gauze and gauge,
   Marriage, foliage, mirage, age,
ᚻᛁᚷᚱᚩ, ᚻᛖᚱᚾ, ᛣᚹᛖᚱᛁᚷ, ᚡᛖᚱᛁᚷ,
ᛈᛖᚱᛁᚷ, ᛏᛖᚱᛁᚷ, ᚠᚷᛟᚱᛁᚷ, ᛒᛖᚱᛁᚷ,
   ᛞᚪᛋᛏ, ᛚᚪᚢᛋᛏ, ᛈᚩᛋᛏ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛞᚪᚢᚦ, ᛣᛚᚪᚢᚦ, ᛚᚪᚦ,
   ᚷᚳᚪᛒ, ᚷᚳᚩᛒ, ᛒᛚᚪᛋᛗ, ᛒᚣᚴᛗ, ᚩᚦ.
Hero, heron, query, very,
Parry, tarry fury, bury,
   Dost, lost, post, and doth, cloth, loth,
   Job, Job, blossom, bosom, oath.
ᚠᚪ, ᛟᛈᛟᚸᚾᛟᚾᛏ, ᛣᛁᚷᚾ, ᛟᛈᚷᚢᚸᚾᚱᚴ,
ᛒᚩᛁᛝ, ᛒᚫᚢᛁᛝ, ᛒᚫᚾᚷᚳᚩ᛫ᛏᚢᚾᚱᚴ
   ᚻᚩᛗ᛫ᚷᚢ᛫ᚾᚩ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚾᚩᚴ, ᛣᛟᚾᚢᚴ,
   ᛈᚷᚢᚾᛁᚷ, ᛏᚱᚢᛁᚴᛗ, ᚷᚢᛋ, ᛏᛟ᛫ᚷᚢᚴ?
Faugh, oppugnant, keen oppugners,
Bowing, bowing, banjo-tuners
   Holm you know, but noes, canoes,
   Puisne, truism, use, to use?
ᚹᛁᚷ᛫ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᚫᛣᚳᚢᛟᛚ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚡᛁᛣᛏᛚ,
   ᛋᛁᚷᛏ, ᛋᚹᛖᛏ, ᚳᛖᚷᛋᛏ, ᛣᚫᛋᛏ, ᛚᛖᚷ, ᛠᛏ, ᚻᚫᚷᛏ,
   ᛈᚣᛏ, ᚾᛟᛏ, ᚸᚱᚫᚾᛁᛏ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚷᚢᚾᚫᚷᛏ.
Though the difference seems little,
We say actual, but victual,
   Seat, sweat, chaste, caste, Leigh, eight, height,
   Put, nut, granite, and unite.
ᚱᛁᚷᚠᚱ, ᛞᛟᚴ᛫ᚾᚪᛏ᛫ᚱᚫᚷᛗ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᛞᛖᚠᚱ,
ᚠᛖᚠᚱ᛫ᛞᛟᚴ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚴᛖᚠᚱ, ᚻᛖᚠᚱ.
   ᛞᛟᛚ, ᛒᚣᛚ, ᚷᚳᚪᚠᚱᛁᚷ, ᚷᚳᚩᚱᚷᚳ, ᛠᛏ, ᛚᛠᛏ,
   ᚻᛁᚾᛏ, ᛈᚫᚷᚾᛏ, ᛋᛖᚾᛁᛏ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛋᛟᛞᛠᛏ.
Reefer does not rhyme with deafer,
Feoffer does, and zephyr, heifer.
   Dull, bull, Geoffrey, George, ate, late,
   Hint, pint, senate, but sedate.
ᚸᛠᛚᛁᛣ, ᛖᚱᛟᛒᛁᛣ, ᛈᛟᛋᛁᚠᛁᛣ,
ᛋᚫᚷᛟᚾᛋ, ᛣᚪᚾᛋᚳᚾᛋ, ᛋᚫᚷᛟᚾᛏᛁᚠᛁᛣ;
   ᛏᚣᚱ᛫ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚫᚢᚱ, ᛞᚫᚢᚱ, ᛋᛟᛣᚱ, ᚠᚩᚱ,
   ᚸᚫᛋ, ᛟᛚᚫᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚪᚱᛣᛟᚾᛋᚪ.
Gaelic, Arabic, pacific,
Science, conscience, scientific;
   Tour, but our, dour, succour, four,
   Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᛗᛟᚾᚢᚡᚱ, ᚷᚪᛏ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚡᚪᛗᛁᛏ,
ᚾᛖᛣᛋᛏ᛫ᚩᛗᛁᛏ, ᚻᚹᛁᚳ᛫ᛞᛁᚠᚱᚴ᛫ᚠᚱᛟᛗ᛫ᛁᛏ
   ᛒᚩᚾᛟ᛫ᚠᚫᚷᛞ, ᚫᛚᛟᛒᚫᚷ
   ᚷᚳᚫᚷᚱᛠᛏ᛫ᛞᚫᚢᛟᚱᛁᚷ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛟᚱᚫᚷ.
Say manoeuvre, yacht and vomit,
Next omit, which differs from it
   Bona fide, alibi
   Gyrate, dowry and awry.
ᛋᛁᚷ, ᚫᚷᛞᛁᚷᛟ, ᚸᛁᚾᛁᚷ, ᛟᚱᛁᚷᚾᛟ,
ᛋᚪᛗ, ᛗᛟᚱᛁᚷᛟ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛗᛟᛚᛖᚱᛁᚷᛟ.
   ᚷᚢᚦ, ᛋᚫᚢᚦ, ᛋᛟᚦᚱᚾ, ᛣᛚᛖᚾᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛣᛚᛁᚷᚾ,
   ᛞᚪᛣᛏᚱᚾ, ᛏᛟᚱᛈᛁᚾᛏᚫᚷᚾ, ᛗᛟᚱᛁᚷᚾ.
Sea, idea, guinea, area,
Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
   Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean,
   Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
   ᚱᚫᛚᛁᚷ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᚫᛚᚫᚷ; ᚷᛖᚷ, ᚷᛁᚷ,
   ᚫᚷ, ᚫᚷ, ᚫᚷ, ᚫᚷ, ᚻᚹᛖᚷ, ᛣᛁᚷ, ᛣᛁᚷ
Compare alien with Italian,
Dandelion with battalion,
   Rally with ally; yea, ye,
   Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, key, quay!
ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᛟᚡᛟᚱ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛖᚡᚱ, ᚠᛁᚷᚡᚱ,
ᚾᛁᚷᚦᚱ, ᛚᛁᚷᚴᚳᚱ, ᛋᛣᛖᚷᚾ, ᚱᛟᛋᛁᚷᚡᚱ.
   ᚾᛖᚡᚱ᛫ᚸᛖᛋ; ᛁᛏ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᚾᚪᛏ᛫ᛋᛖᚷᚠ,
   ᚹᛁᚷ᛫ᛋᛖᚷ᛫ᛣᚫᚡᚴ, ᚡᚫᛚᚡᚴ, ᚻᚫᚠ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚱᚪᛚᚠ.
Say aver, but ever, fever,
Neither, leisure, skein, receiver.
   Never guess-it is not safe,
   We say calves, valves, half, but Ralf.
ᛋᛏᚪᚱᛁᚷ, ᚸᚱᚫᚾᛟᚱᛁᚷ, ᛣᛟᚾᛖᚱᛁᚷ,
ᛣᚱᛖᚡᛁᛋ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛞᛟᚡᚫᚷᛋ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛖᚱᛁᚷ
   ᚠᛖᚷᛋ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛈᚱᛖᚠᛁᛋ, ᚦᛖᚾ᛫ᚸᚱᛁᛗᛁᛋ,
   ᚠᛚᛖᛗ, ᚠᛚᛟᚸᛗᚫᛏᛁᛣ, ᚫᛋ, ᚸᛚᚫᛋ, ᛒᛖᚷᛋ.
Starry, granary, canary,
Crevice, but device, and eyrie,
   Face, but preface, then grimace,
   Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
ᛒᚫᛋ, ᛚᚪᚱᚷᚳ, ᛏᚪᚱᚸᛟᛏ, ᚷᚳᛁᚾ, ᚸᛁᚡ, ᚡᛟᚱᚷᚳᛁᛝ,
ᚪᚢᛏ, ᚫᚢᛋᛏ, ᚷᚳᚫᚢᛋᛏ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᛣᚫᚢᚱ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛋᛣᛟᚱᚷᚳᛁᛝ;
   ᛁᚷᚱ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛟᚱᚾ; ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛖᚱ᛫ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛏᛖᚱ
Bass, large, target, gin, give, verging,
Ought, oust, joust, and scour, but scourging;
   Ear, but earn; and ere and tear
   Do not rhyme with here but heir.
   ᚪᚢᛚᛋᚩ ᛋᚪᚢᚠᛏ, ᛚᚪᚢᛋᛏ, ᛣᛚᚪᚢᚦ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛣᚱᚪᚢᛋ.
Mind the o of off and often
Which may be pronounced as orphan,
   With the sound of saw and sauce;
   Also soft, lost, cloth and cross.
ᛈᚣᛞᛁᛝ, ᛈᛟᛞᛚ, ᛈᚣᛏᛁᛝ. ᛈᛟᛏᛁᛝ?
ᚷᛖᛋ: ᚫᛏ᛫ᚸᚪᛚᚠ, ᛁᛏ᛫ᚱᚫᚷᛗᚴ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᛋᚳᛟᛏᛁᛝ.
   ᚱᛖᛋᛈᚫᚷᛏ, ᛋᛈᚫᚷᛏ, ᛣᛟᚾᛋᛖᚾᛏ, ᚱᛁᚴᛖᚾᛏ.
   ᛚᚫᚷᛟᛒᛚ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛈᚪᚱᛚᛁᛗᚾᛏ.
Pudding, puddle, putting. Putting?
Yes: at golf, it rhymes with shutting.
   Respite, spite, consent, resent.
   Liable, but Parliament.
ᛋᛖᚡᚾ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᚱᚫᚷᛏ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᛋᚩ᛫ᛁᛋ᛫ᛁᚷᚡᚾ,
ᚻᚫᚷᚠᚾ, ᚱᛟᚠᚾ, ᚾᛖᚠᚷᚢ, ᛋᛏᛁᚷᚡᚾ,
   ᛗᛟᛝᛣᛁᚷ, ᛞᚪᛝᛣᛁᚷ, ᛣᛚᛟᚱᛣ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚷᚳᛟᚱᛣ,
   ᚫᛋᛈ, ᚸᚱᚫᛋᛈ, ᚹᚪᛋᛈ, ᛞᛁᛗᛖᚷᚾ, ᛣᚩᚱᛣ, ᚹᛟᚱᛣ.
Seven is right, but so is even,
Hyphen, roughen, nephew, Stephen,
   Monkey, donkey, clerk and jerk,
   Asp, grasp, wasp, demesne, cork, work.
ᛖᚷ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᚡᚫᛚᛟᚱ, ᚡᚫᛈᛁᛞ, ᚡᛖᚷᛈᚱ,
   ᚷᚳᛁᚷ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᚷᚳᛁᛒᛁᛏ, ᚸᛁᛒᚾ, ᚷᚳᛁᛋᛏ,
A of valour, vapid vapour,
S of news (compare newspaper),
   G of gibbet, gibbon, gist,
   I of antichrist and grist,
ᚱᛁᚡᚱᚴ, ᛋᛏᚱᚫᚷᚡᚱᚴ, ᛋᚳᛁᚡᚱᚴ, ᚠᚫᚷᚡᚱᚴ.
   ᚹᛟᚾᛋ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚾᚪᚾᛋ, ᛏᚪᚢᛚ, ᛞᚪᚢᛚ, ᛒᛟᛏ᛫ᚱᚩᛚ,
   ᛈᚪᛚᛁᛋᚳ, ᛈᚩᛚᛁᛋᚳ, ᛈᚪᛚ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛈᚩᛚ.
Differ like diverse and divers,
Rivers, strivers, shivers, fivers.
   Once, but nonce, toll, doll, but roll,
   Polish, Polish, poll and poll.
ᛁᛋ᛫ᛁᛏ᛫ᛈᛖᚷᛚᛁᛝ, ᛋᛏᚫᚢᛏ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛋᛈᚫᚷᛣᛁᚷ.
Pronunciation-think of Psyche!-
Is a paling, stout and spiky.
   Won't it make you lose your wits
   Writing groats and saying "grits"?
ᛋᛏᚱᚢᚾ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᛋᛏᚩᚾᛋ᛫ᛚᚫᚷᛣ᛫ᚱᚪᛚᛟᛣ, ᚸᛟᚾᛚ,
   ᛁᚴᛚᛝᛏᚾ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᚫᚷᛚ᛫ᛟᚠ᛫ᚹᚫᚷᛏ,
   ᚻᚫᚢᛋᚹᚫᚷᚠ, ᚠᛟᚱᛞᛁᛣᛏ, ᚫᚾᛞ᛫ᛁᚾᛞᚫᚷᛏ.
It's a dark abyss or tunnel
Strewn with stones like rowlock, gunwale,
   Islington, and Isle of Wight,
   Housewife, verdict and indict.
ᛞᚩᚾᛏ᛫ᚷᚢ᛫ᚦᛁᛝᛣ᛫ᛋᚩ, ᚱᛁᚷᛞᚱ, ᚱᚫᚦᚱ,
ᛋᛖᚷᛁᛝ ᛚᚫᚦᚱ, ᛒᛠᚦᚱ, ᚠᚪᚦᚱ?
   ᚠᚫᚷᚾᚫᛚᛁᚷ, ᚻᚹᛁᚳ᛫ᚱᚫᚷᛗᛋ᛫ᚹᛁᚦ᛫ᛟᚾᛟᚠ,
   ᚦᚩ, ᚦᚱᚢ, ᛒᚫᚢ, ᛣᚪᚠ, ᚻᚪᛣ, ᛋᛟᚠ, ᛏᛟᚠ??
Don't you think so, reader, rather,
Saying lather, bather, father?
   Finally, which rhymes with enough,
   Though, through, bough, cough, hough, sough, tough??
ᛗᚫᚷ᛫ᚫᛞᚡᚫᚷᛋ᛫ᛁᛋ: ᚸᛁᚡ᛫ᛁᛏ᛫ᛟᛈ!
Hiccough has the sound of sup...
My advice is: GIVE IT UP!

ᚾᚩᛏ: ᚸᛁᚡ᛫ᛟᛈ᛫ᚦᛟ᛫ᚱᚩᛗᛚ᛫ᚫᛚᚠᛟᛒᛖᛏ.